There's a lot going on in the world right now friends.
When we look back at the start of 2020 it's almost impossible to think about all the major news stories we've seen: World War III, Australia on fire, impeachment, Covid-19, state shutdowns, travel bans, murder hornets, protests for all sorts of things - this year has been a wild ride, and it's not over yet!
Knowing that it's not over yet can be daunting. It can leave us feeling uneasy, wondering about the future, questioning what might come next, anxiously waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So how do we stop dwelling on the uncertainty? What can we do to quell our anxieties?
What do we do when we're in a season that feels irredeemable?
What do we do when we're stuck in a season where devastation comes?
What do we do when we're in a dark place and there doesn't seem to be a way out?
We remember.
We remember God's promises.
"I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten." Joel 2:25a
"I will restore" is a promise.
But for that promise to mean anything we have to know who God is. In order to trust His promises we must first trust His character. It can be difficult to trust God's hand when we don't know His heart, but friend, that's exactly where our focus needs to go to quiet our hearts.
Despite the barrage of news stories reporting problem after problem, there is good news, friends.
God will keep His promises, and that is very good news indeed!
Join us, as we venture through His promise of restoration through the lens of different seasons of life in our 2020-21 MOMtourage series: Restored.